Contact Us
General Questions?
We’re happy to help. Simply give us a call or write us.
Insight School of Wisconsin
4721 Dale-Curtin Drive
McFarland, WI 53558
Phone: 608.838.9482
Fax: 608.838.9483
Enrollment/Program Inquiries
Toll-Free: 877.803.3741
To report a student absent, please contact the attendance line at 608.838.9482 ext. 0 or email the attendance office at
To report a future absence for a student, please complete the Planned Absence Form.
For multi-day absences, we encourage families to email the student’s course teachers as well.
If a student does not log into school in the morning hours without prior contact to the attendance office, you may receive an automatic outreach in the form of a text, email, or call. This call does not count as an official unexcused absence, but it is a friendly reminder that schooling needs to take place for the day.
K12 Customer Support
Contact K12 Customer Support here.
For tech support, call: 866.512.2273
Media Inquiries
Are you a member of the press or public relations community?
We have a dedicated email address to serve your needs:*
*This email is not for student record submission or transcript requests.